My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Sunday 8 May 2011


A tornado happened today in Albany, it was absolutely terrifying. It started just after my class in Interpreting Media, so as I was driving TOO Albany (to pick up my rabbit from the vets) I heard everything that had just happened live on the radio.. 
There was this one story on the radio I heard about a mother driving with her kids, she stopped outside brisco's to quickly get something and told her kids to stay in the car, as she was in the store it happened, her car along with the kids got blown around the car park, the car flipped over, because all the kids wore their seat beats they were alright but if she hadn't gotten out of the car, she would've gotten seriously hurt or even have died.
 Without radio, ALOT more people would've been affected. Radio's able to tell us exactly whats happening as its happening and lets us listen to real life stories to get a better understanding.
 When we hop into our car we're separating ourselves from media but with radio we never have to be uninformed about whats happening.  


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