My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Eating disorders

Heaps of celebrities have eating disorders and we're ignoring it, we're actually encouraging it.
Now days if you're not skinny and you're not Jack Black you won't be a successful actor/actress.
I was reading an article on the website and it said Natalie Portman got down to 43 kgs to be in the black swam, thats so insanely skinny! Her director actually wanted her to gain weight but she refused. 
She had to look 'good' on film.
this is a direct quote from her
"I could see why this industry is so f**ked up, because at 95 pounds, I would literally look at myself in the mirror and I was like, 'Oh my God! I had no shape, no boobs, no ass..
"All you saw was bone. I was like, 'this looks gross'. But in photographs and on film, it looked amazing.."

Thats how disturbed media has become.. But its true isn't it? 
Media has formed our minds into thinking thin is the only way to be, you HAVE to be skin and bone in order to get the media off your back. 
I feel in the future its just going to get worse too, these girls actually NEED help.
 In Hollywood, an eating disorder is perfectly normal.. Even encouraged. 
The reason why all these celebrities are adopting children is properly because they've screwed up there insides so much that they cant have them anymore. 
Being an Actress isn't as pretty as you think it is. 

Natalie Portman weight loss -

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