My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Osama's death

People all over the world have made this into a big joke, laughing and partying that this guy is now dead. Theres even facebook groups and tweets on it. I find that it's really offensive, I feel we shouldn't celebrate death, specially not when he was such a horrible man. 
 He could've changed his life around or atleast tried to apologize and its ashame that he didn't.
We are only being as bad as him by laughing at his death. 
Taking a life is in no way right to me, theres always another way, he could've just stayed in prison forever. Media I feel has made death become more acceptable though. War for instance, in all our years on earth you think we would've found a different, less dramatic and life threatening way to solve things, its stupid this is allowed. 
 My friends having an Abortion this week and they act as if its nothing, but its murder. 
How does anyone know though, Its shown on TV like its just 'what you do.' 

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