My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Advertising is crazy, we're learning about it this week in interpreting media, how it changes your perception of things and influences you to do stuff that you wouldn't normally.
I'm a health freak and an animal lover, but I find myself singing along to the Mc Donald's theme song EVERY time on its TV, though I HATE Mc Donald's..
It gets in your brain and brainwashes you too support this shit and without even releasing it you're advertising it to the rest of the world by singing along.
   I used to never sleep during collage and id end up watching tv at 3am finding myself needing to buy the 'abb king pro' so I too could have 'killer abbs'
The people on the commercial looked so attractive and they made it seem like if I didn't buy it, I was a fat ass.. So I brought it..
I gave in to a silly advertisement and in NO WAY do I have killer abbs.
Advertising creeps me out..
As humans we're always trying to be better, always searching for that bit of perfect so we can 'fit it' with the rest of the world or what we see of the world on TV,, Pretty people in other words.. Unfortunately no ones perfect so we're screwed.

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