My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Media is CRAZY!!

The Royal Weddings been in the magazines for weeks and it's finally happened, what a relief.
Over half of New Zealand watched this on tv, thats INSANE! 
I can't imagine so many people watching me get married, I wonder how they felt about the press being everywhere, it must suck.
 I didn't watch it cause I'm not really 'into' the whole royalty thing, I think the press has made it into this big deal, but just its incredibly overrated. 
There just ordinary people with a really high status, but the press has injected our minds with all this bullshit so a bunch of people think of them like Gods or something, like we MUST watch there wedding or else we're not acceptable. 
The press influence us to think this way, Its sick.  We joke about aliens taking over the world but what we need to be concerned about is the press. We have to look a concern way, be as thin or as muscular as possible. If the press was saying jumping off a cliff was really in this year im sure people would do it. We rely on the press, they tell us how important things are and what we should do with our life. 
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