My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Monday 23 May 2011


  We were doing role play today at Interpreting media, my role was sound recordist, it  wasn't a big role but it was pretty interesting, I didn't realize how much work actually went into bringing the news. 
With our role play exercise that we did, we failed hardcore at producing the news, it  was so confusing and everyone kept talking at once. We took ages to get on air and when we did, one of the anchors said the word terrorist and thats when everything went down hill.    
  After that we were just discussing why there was such a huge competition for news channels to get there first, TV One and Three are always competing, I suppose if its been played by one channel we don't need to and a lot of the time don't want too watch it again. 
They'll do anything to make their channel more interesting, even if its just getting a reporter to stand outside in the rain rather than in a studio, it sounds SO stupid, but as an audience we're just attracted to things done differently, even if they have NO point whatsoever. 
 We also talked about how some news channels just play the same clips over and over again, which sucks. I don't want to see the same bloody thing, it messes with my head. When the tsunami happened in Japan I couldn't escape from the same horrible images, my friend was there and it just kept playing in my mind. The sick thing is though, I was so messed up that I ended up losing sympathy for my friend. 
News can be so evil. 

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Advertising is crazy, we're learning about it this week in interpreting media, how it changes your perception of things and influences you to do stuff that you wouldn't normally.
I'm a health freak and an animal lover, but I find myself singing along to the Mc Donald's theme song EVERY time on its TV, though I HATE Mc Donald's..
It gets in your brain and brainwashes you too support this shit and without even releasing it you're advertising it to the rest of the world by singing along.
   I used to never sleep during collage and id end up watching tv at 3am finding myself needing to buy the 'abb king pro' so I too could have 'killer abbs'
The people on the commercial looked so attractive and they made it seem like if I didn't buy it, I was a fat ass.. So I brought it..
I gave in to a silly advertisement and in NO WAY do I have killer abbs.
Advertising creeps me out..
As humans we're always trying to be better, always searching for that bit of perfect so we can 'fit it' with the rest of the world or what we see of the world on TV,, Pretty people in other words.. Unfortunately no ones perfect so we're screwed.

Resources -

Eating disorders

Heaps of celebrities have eating disorders and we're ignoring it, we're actually encouraging it.
Now days if you're not skinny and you're not Jack Black you won't be a successful actor/actress.
I was reading an article on the website and it said Natalie Portman got down to 43 kgs to be in the black swam, thats so insanely skinny! Her director actually wanted her to gain weight but she refused. 
She had to look 'good' on film.
this is a direct quote from her
"I could see why this industry is so f**ked up, because at 95 pounds, I would literally look at myself in the mirror and I was like, 'Oh my God! I had no shape, no boobs, no ass..
"All you saw was bone. I was like, 'this looks gross'. But in photographs and on film, it looked amazing.."

Thats how disturbed media has become.. But its true isn't it? 
Media has formed our minds into thinking thin is the only way to be, you HAVE to be skin and bone in order to get the media off your back. 
I feel in the future its just going to get worse too, these girls actually NEED help.
 In Hollywood, an eating disorder is perfectly normal.. Even encouraged. 
The reason why all these celebrities are adopting children is properly because they've screwed up there insides so much that they cant have them anymore. 
Being an Actress isn't as pretty as you think it is. 

Natalie Portman weight loss -

Sunday 15 May 2011

Oh my gosh

From watching midday television I have discovered another CRAZILY similar movie, this one I'm not to found of though... Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally cheesy.
So theres this movie called Chasing Librety which was released in January 2004 and done by 20th century fox, Its about an eighteen year old who's the presidents daughter and she starts rebeling and ends up having a thing for this undercover body guard..
FIRST DAUGHTER was released in september 2004 done by warner bros (sneaky devils) which is about EXACTLY the same thing, its actually blazzar, theres no way they just both thought up the same story line... I  bet theres more to this, theres not alot on the net about it and I'm quite surprised about that, maybe it was just cause they were both cra and no one really cared. I did find one thing however, before chasing librety was released, the title of it for imdb was 'untitled first daughter project.' 

Chasing librety -
starring Mandy moore


Andy Cadiff

First Daughter -


Forest Whitaker
Staring Katie Holmes

Sunday 8 May 2011


A tornado happened today in Albany, it was absolutely terrifying. It started just after my class in Interpreting Media, so as I was driving TOO Albany (to pick up my rabbit from the vets) I heard everything that had just happened live on the radio.. 
There was this one story on the radio I heard about a mother driving with her kids, she stopped outside brisco's to quickly get something and told her kids to stay in the car, as she was in the store it happened, her car along with the kids got blown around the car park, the car flipped over, because all the kids wore their seat beats they were alright but if she hadn't gotten out of the car, she would've gotten seriously hurt or even have died.
 Without radio, ALOT more people would've been affected. Radio's able to tell us exactly whats happening as its happening and lets us listen to real life stories to get a better understanding.
 When we hop into our car we're separating ourselves from media but with radio we never have to be uninformed about whats happening.  


Saturday 7 May 2011

Osama's death

People all over the world have made this into a big joke, laughing and partying that this guy is now dead. Theres even facebook groups and tweets on it. I find that it's really offensive, I feel we shouldn't celebrate death, specially not when he was such a horrible man. 
 He could've changed his life around or atleast tried to apologize and its ashame that he didn't.
We are only being as bad as him by laughing at his death. 
Taking a life is in no way right to me, theres always another way, he could've just stayed in prison forever. Media I feel has made death become more acceptable though. War for instance, in all our years on earth you think we would've found a different, less dramatic and life threatening way to solve things, its stupid this is allowed. 
 My friends having an Abortion this week and they act as if its nothing, but its murder. 
How does anyone know though, Its shown on TV like its just 'what you do.' 

Media is CRAZY!!

The Royal Weddings been in the magazines for weeks and it's finally happened, what a relief.
Over half of New Zealand watched this on tv, thats INSANE! 
I can't imagine so many people watching me get married, I wonder how they felt about the press being everywhere, it must suck.
 I didn't watch it cause I'm not really 'into' the whole royalty thing, I think the press has made it into this big deal, but just its incredibly overrated. 
There just ordinary people with a really high status, but the press has injected our minds with all this bullshit so a bunch of people think of them like Gods or something, like we MUST watch there wedding or else we're not acceptable. 
The press influence us to think this way, Its sick.  We joke about aliens taking over the world but what we need to be concerned about is the press. We have to look a concern way, be as thin or as muscular as possible. If the press was saying jumping off a cliff was really in this year im sure people would do it. We rely on the press, they tell us how important things are and what we should do with our life. 
Resources -

Charatistic's of a documentary

In class this week we're learning about documentary's and what makes a documentary. We watched 'Forgotten Silver' which I suppose was just a big joke to celebration 100 years of cinema, I don't know whether id call it a documentary, but others could argue that it is to them.
A documentary documents something, but it has to have some sort of reason, its got to get people's attention.
 To me, a documentary is just someone's point of view of something, just been recreated on film, however they see it in their mind.
So to the person who's created it, or people who have the same point of view, its a documentory cause it has truth, but to others its just a mockumentary I suppose.