My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Orson Welles is a genious!

George Orson Welles is amazing!!
He presented as a series of simulated "news bulletins," which heaps of people believed  that an actual alien invasion was happening. You can imagine how pissed off everyone was when they found out, apparently, there was widespread of outrage. I just loved his voice throughout it, it was so bloody fake, anyone listening too it nowa days wouldn't have believed it.

It's absolutely incredible how gullible people were back in 1939. We've kinda trained our minds from the media, we can tell the difference between reality and acting, back then though I suppose they hadn't had alot experience, everything was kind of new to them. My minds still kinda stunned at how important watching shit on television is. Parents are always like 'don't watch too much TV!' but really, maybe we should be watching more TV.

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