My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Thursday 7 April 2011

The Night Of The Hunter

I'm still buzzing from this movie, defiantly a favorite now.
This movie was done in 1955 and was based off a novel Davis Grubb wrote about the depression.
Charles Laughton directed it. I really enjoyed all the blazzar kinds of camera angles he used, they were all over the place, but it really worked with the movie. The movie starred Robert Mitchum (Omg brilliant actor!) playing as Harry Powel, his role was super awesome, it showed heaps of contrast. The Inference-fact tendency fooled me totally in the beginning as he was portrayed as a priest and a 'man of God' , but really he was out to kill all women because they tempted him and he became more and more obsessed with money and more likely to be a man of Satin. The film itself was filled with conflict, going back and forth with good and evil, like theres this one scene when he's just gotten himself married and it's time for bed...His new wife walks in the bedroom with this ugly as nighty thing (which was properly super sexy back then.) You think some thinks bound to happen and he's like 'hell no women! Put some clothes on, whore.' Well, not exactly in those words but he meant the same kinda thing, which totally surprised me, I mean, at that point I knew he was sexiest but REALLY?! The look of disappointment on that women's face made me laugh. I was gripped till the end, such a fricken awesome movie.

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