My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

School Of Rock

  Just watched School Of Rock, I've seen this movie way to many times, but I'm not sick of it yet. It was directed by Richard Linklater and Written by Mile White. 
And, of course, the movie has the king of all awesomeness, Jack Black!! He's so good at being a slob. Theres this one scene I absolutely loved, Jack black uses indirect behavior to make the kids think there way of life is boring and that you need to 'stick it to the man'. They cut from one student to another, as they insult the teacher (Jack black) the teacher however, is encouraging this, kinda sends a mixed message, but its an attempt to get the kids to be rude in order to write a good rock song. 
Like theres this one cut where a student called summer says, "You're the a joke! You're the worst teacher i've ever had!"
The Teacher responds with "Summer that is great! I liked the delivery because I really felt your anger."  
He tried to change the subject from himself to things that really annoyed them, bullies, homework ect. 
They end up writing a really cool song out of it, it always gets me in the mood to be pissed about something.

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