My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

My friendly Neighbor Totoro

I LOVE anime and this is like.. Tops, there is NO better.
It's almost impossible to count the number of ways in which the amazing animation master Hayao Miyazaki excels. 
Dirtected and written by Hayao Miyazaki.

  Even though in most of their movies their forms are bait exaggerated, they still seem more believable than the children in many live-action films. They're in nearly constant motion, they yell in delight, they break into tears when they don't get their way.
As with every single one of Miyazaki's films, Totoro is FANTASTIC =D . Even the backgrounds are active and detailed! I just love how extremely weird the plots and characters are, like what movie has a cat-bus with a dozen legs, a smile so large as to be almost sinister and glowing eyes... Everything this guy thinks of is like the stuff you dream about, perhaps maybe a nightmare, but its made into a kid-friendly movie. 

A person obsessed with plot might find this movie unsaitsfying cause the endings kinda weird, 
 the last act of the movie deals with Satsuki looking for Mei, who has gone missing. The movie doesn't really have a conflict introduced in the first act, but tension increased in the second and finally a resolution in the third; Whats kinda weird is there isn't any particular meaning given to the fantasy elements. A family moves to a house, some odd things happen, and then life goes on. Along the way, the audience will see beauty and experience feelings and events vicariously, I kinda think its like, when you watch it, you FEEL that young again, I'm pretty sure I used to imagine this kinda stuff at primary school, its great.
There aren't many Hayao Miyazakis in the world. In animation,I'd say he stands alongside Walt Disney.

EHHHH I love this movie!!!

School Of Rock

  Just watched School Of Rock, I've seen this movie way to many times, but I'm not sick of it yet. It was directed by Richard Linklater and Written by Mile White. 
And, of course, the movie has the king of all awesomeness, Jack Black!! He's so good at being a slob. Theres this one scene I absolutely loved, Jack black uses indirect behavior to make the kids think there way of life is boring and that you need to 'stick it to the man'. They cut from one student to another, as they insult the teacher (Jack black) the teacher however, is encouraging this, kinda sends a mixed message, but its an attempt to get the kids to be rude in order to write a good rock song. 
Like theres this one cut where a student called summer says, "You're the a joke! You're the worst teacher i've ever had!"
The Teacher responds with "Summer that is great! I liked the delivery because I really felt your anger."  
He tried to change the subject from himself to things that really annoyed them, bullies, homework ect. 
They end up writing a really cool song out of it, it always gets me in the mood to be pissed about something.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Battle LA

We had a lecture on War for Interpreting Media, we learnt about how its there duty to fight for there side but to me really theres no right and wrong with the 'other side' cause they have there own beliefs, I really don't think war solves anything, just kills amazing people.
I watched a shit movie the other day, Battle LA, its about a war between soilders and aliens that came down to tale over, it didn't really explain itself that well though.
It was made to look like a documentary, but it just didn't do anything for me. The script for me was a fail, if it was a book I would've put it down in 5 minutes, but because of how well it was filmed I was able to continue to watch it.
It was written by Christopher Bertolini and Directed by Jonathan Liebesman.
The thing I liked about it was they showed a range of different reaction shots, like theres this bit in it where this kids fathers been attacked by an alien and he's lying down, they think he's going to make it and he just suddenly dies, so the sergent, Michael Nantz had to tell the young boy, (they used a medium close up of his face) as he dragged on with a 'heart felt' speech. Way to many tears in that scene, a big pity party held by all. Only problem is I felt they didn't really have enough to hold focus, the scene just lasted too long, you wanna sympathize with the kid, but honey, its been 20 minutes, get off the screen.
 Something else I kinda liked in it was the reverse angle shot when they were hiding out away from the aliens.. It really made you feel as if you were a solider with them.
..Though this movie was utterly crap and ill never watch it again. =D

Thursday 7 April 2011

The Night Of The Hunter

I'm still buzzing from this movie, defiantly a favorite now.
This movie was done in 1955 and was based off a novel Davis Grubb wrote about the depression.
Charles Laughton directed it. I really enjoyed all the blazzar kinds of camera angles he used, they were all over the place, but it really worked with the movie. The movie starred Robert Mitchum (Omg brilliant actor!) playing as Harry Powel, his role was super awesome, it showed heaps of contrast. The Inference-fact tendency fooled me totally in the beginning as he was portrayed as a priest and a 'man of God' , but really he was out to kill all women because they tempted him and he became more and more obsessed with money and more likely to be a man of Satin. The film itself was filled with conflict, going back and forth with good and evil, like theres this one scene when he's just gotten himself married and it's time for bed...His new wife walks in the bedroom with this ugly as nighty thing (which was properly super sexy back then.) You think some thinks bound to happen and he's like 'hell no women! Put some clothes on, whore.' Well, not exactly in those words but he meant the same kinda thing, which totally surprised me, I mean, at that point I knew he was sexiest but REALLY?! The look of disappointment on that women's face made me laugh. I was gripped till the end, such a fricken awesome movie.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Orson Welles is a genious!

George Orson Welles is amazing!!
He presented as a series of simulated "news bulletins," which heaps of people believed  that an actual alien invasion was happening. You can imagine how pissed off everyone was when they found out, apparently, there was widespread of outrage. I just loved his voice throughout it, it was so bloody fake, anyone listening too it nowa days wouldn't have believed it.

It's absolutely incredible how gullible people were back in 1939. We've kinda trained our minds from the media, we can tell the difference between reality and acting, back then though I suppose they hadn't had alot experience, everything was kind of new to them. My minds still kinda stunned at how important watching shit on television is. Parents are always like 'don't watch too much TV!' but really, maybe we should be watching more TV.