My baby.

My baby.
My sweet heart Noah.

Saturday 26 March 2011

The Crow

I watched 'The Crow' last night and I have to say how incredibly similar it is to 'Batman-The Dark Knight'. The Crow was also a successful comic. its almost as if The Dark Knight just copied the film. The Crow had an equally as good character as the joker though, Brandon Lee played it amazingly, I'm pretty sure Heath Ledger copied alot of his character from the film, they look almost identical, both with face paint, same hair length, even the scruffiness was captured perfectly. Definitely Brandon Lees best work!
I found out that Brandon Lee died during 'The Crow' as well, kinda freaky. 
When Brandon died, there was 8 days of filming left in the movie. To finish out the rest of the movie, they used a live body double and some digital composing.There was this scene where Brandon was meant to break a mirror but did not cause the scene was shot after his death. So DreamQuest used there magical editing skills and managed to make it look like Brandon did it.
the thing that really got me though is its almost as if Heath Ledger copied him so much, that he died as well. 

Resources -
The Crow info -

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Sleepless In Seatle

Today I'm going to show one of my favorite movie scenes in Interpretying Media.
'Sleepless In Seatle', It's a cute chick flick done in 1993 and directed by Nora Ephron starring Tom Hanks and Megan Ryan. (They're also in 'You've Got Mail' together.)
I think the chick flicks in the ninetys are deffinately the best, this one just proves it. 
The scene I chose was about Tom hanks (A single dad at the point.) and a married couple he invited over for dinner. Its short, cute and I could watch it a dozen times and still laugh.
The wife is explaining this amazingly girly movie she just watched to them, the expressions of dread on the mens faces are classic. It really showed a great level of acting, it was so true and I could really see that happening.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Old Movies 11/03/11

  After watching some of the silent movies today in moving images I was really surprised at how far the world had come with film.
So I went home and watch some Charlie Chaplin on old film reels shown on my Dads projector... Personally...I don't really get what the fuss is with this guy. 
I just found it hard to connect with him and all silent films really. Compared to films made today, they move slowly, the camerawork is halting, the stories are simplistic in their construction, and you can see the curveballs coming a mile away...  
I mean, some people like my dad LIKE this stuff..Could be a birth defect..  
But I was really interested at how everything has changed SO much, Charlie Chaplin was funny too people in the days of silent film, they didn't have a lot of films to compare it with though… It was all new to them. I think its really cool how we've learnt so much from film, I'm really excited for the future and how different the technology and film will be and if that changes the audience. 
I'd love to bring some of the audiences from the silent film days and show them Johnny Depp and be like "Shame, look what you missed out on."